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Being charged with a federal traffic offense is a serious matter. As an Alexandria federal traffic lawyer, I can fight your criminal or traffic charges in the United States District Federal court in Alexandria.

read below penalties and defenses of traffic offenses in the federal court in alexandria

Experienced Strong Defense Alexandria Federal Traffic Lawyer


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Many of us may have broken a traffic law at one time or another. However, the consequences when you are caught can be costly, regardless of how minor the offense was.

Be it demerit points, fines, higher insurance rates, and or your license being suspended, all this can take a toll on you if you’re found guilty of a traffic offense.

If you or your loved one have been charged with a traffic violation, it is encouraged to contact an experienced Alexandria Federal Traffic Lawyer at the earliest.

The Most Common Traffic Violations in Alexandria

Almost every year, police officers issue thousands of tickets for traffic offenses.

Traffic offenses are not the same as criminal charges in Alexandria.

However, they can result in life-changing consequences regardless of how minor the offense may be. The following are the most common traffic violations:

  • Failing to Obey Highway Signs — VA Code §46.2-830 and §46.2-830.1
  • Failing to Yield — VA Code §46.2-820 to 829
  • Following other Cars Too Closely — VA Code §46.2-816
  • Failing to Obey Traffic Signals — VA Code §46.2-833
  • Improper Driving (Stopping, backing and turning) — VA Code §46.2-848
  • Driving Wrong Way of the Road — VA Code §46.2-806
  • Slow Driving — VA Code §46.2-877
  • Speeding — VA Code §46.2-870
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Traffic Violations and Demerit Points

When you get convicted for a moving offense, it often leads to DMV demerit points, which remain on your driving record for five years and can affect your insurance rates.

The Department of Motor Vehicles has a system that they set up where three, four, or six demerit points can be assigned to your record in the event of any speeding violations. 

For any traffic violation, there are demerit points assigned to your record at the Department of Motor Vehicles.

If convicted of a traffic violation, the court notifies the Department of Motor Vehicles who then post the conviction on your record, assigns demerit points, issues a suspension of your license, and notifies the insurance company. 

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These could be three points, four points, or six points depending on the severity of the violation.

For the low-traffic infractions, such as failing to obey a highway sign or speeding nine miles over the speed limit, it is usually a three-point violation. 

Whereas when a person is speeding 15 to 19 mph over the legal speed limit or running a red light, this is a four-point violation.

And lastly, a six-point violation is when a person is driving recklessly, driving while intoxicated or if you are speeding 20 mph over the stated speed limit.

Different Levels of Traffic Offenses in Alexandria

There are three types of traffic offenses in Alexandria: infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies.

While traffic infractions are less serious than misdemeanor and felony, they can also have serious consequences on your driving record.

Traffic Infractions

These are traffic violations that are not punishable as misdemeanors and felonies but are simply traffic tickets.

The penalties for such traffic infractions are demerit points on your driving record and fines depending upon the facts of your case. 

Misdemeanor Penalties

Generally, misdemeanors, like reckless driving, are punishable by less than 12 months, whereas felonies are subject to more than a year of incarceration. 

All misdemeanor offenses are punishable by court costs, harsh fines & possible community service.

Moreover, most states may take additional steps to penalize the traffic offense by issuing a suspension of your license, enrollment in a substance abuse treatment program in the event alcohol is involved in the traffic offense.

Traffic Felonies 

Certain traffic violations may begin as traffic misdemeanors but can be escalated to the level of a felony charge.

The penalties that come with being convicted of a felony moving offense can result in a lengthy incarceration period.

Experienced Strong Defense Alexandria Federal Traffic Lawyer

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Regardless of whether this is a first-time felony or a third-time offense, the penalties will include mandatory jail sentences, fines of $2,500 or more, and license suspension for several years as the judge may deem fit in your case.

Why Should you hire an experienced Alexandria Federal Traffic Lawyer?

Traffic violations can create several problems for most people that includes losing your license, increased insurance premiums, harsh fines, and possible jail time.

If charged with a misdemeanor or felony moving offense, you will need effective representation from an experienced Alexandria Federal Traffic Lawyer. 

The attorneys here at American Lawyers Group have years of experience with handling thousands of clients and providing them with strong and effective representation.

We can evaluate your case and determine the best legal options to pursue to reduce the charge or mitigate it altogether.

Experienced Low-Cost Alexandria Federal Traffic Lawyer

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