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Auto Fraud Lawyer in Manassas VA

For most Virginian families, buying a car is going to be a major financial decision. 

The last thing you want when making such an important purchase is some sort of fraud or scam done against you. 

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Auto Fraud Lawyer in Manassas VA

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Fraud in the Automotive field can be difficult because so few people have comprehensive knowledge of cars and their workings.
Salesmen at dealerships will often use complex jargon and high-pressure sales tactics to get you to buy a car on terms most favoring the dealership and not you. 

In response to some of the dirtier tactics employed by dealerships, Virginia and the federal government have enacted laws to protect consumers and prevent fraud. Hire an experienced Auto Fraud Lawyer in Manassas VA now.

read important information related to auto fraud lawyers in Manassas VA below:

Contract Law and Dealerships

The majority of fraud in the car dealership context is from either an affirmative misrepresentation or from the dealer failing to disclose important information.  These are principles that come from contract law.

Affirmative misrepresentation is, simply put, a lie.  It is when the dealer says something that they know is not factually true.  Misrepresentations must be material. 

The material in this context essentially means that you would not have bought the car had you been told the truth.  

Failure to disclose occurs when the dealer knows about a material defect afflicting the vehicle but does not tell the buyer. 

This is where some consumer caution comes into play.  Make sure you ask questions of auto dealers, have an independent mechanic examine the vehicle, and take it for a test drive.

Auto Fraud Lawyer in Manassas VA

The U.C.C. in Virginia

The Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.) is an effort to make transactions and contract law across the United States more uniform and predictable for buyers and sellers. 

Different states have codified different sections of the U.C.C., but every state has adopted Article 2 of the U.C.C.  Virginia has adopted Article 2 of the U.C.C as Title 8.2 of the Code of Virginia. 

This section of law establishes precise definitions and requirements for buyers and sellers engaged in Virginia commerce.  These laws also establish baseline rules for conduct when engaged in contracts such as the buying and selling of cars. 

If you have questions about contracts in writing, warranties under the U.C.C, responsibilities of merchants and buyers, or other contract issues, call the attorneys at American Lawyers Group.

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Virginia Motor Vehicle Warranty Enforcement Act

To prevent dealers from selling cars with defects that make the car unsafe or nonfunctional, Virginia enacted The Virginia Motor Vehicle Warranty Enforcement Act.  §59.1-207.9 – 59.1-207.11 layout the substance of the Virginia Motor Vehicle Warranty Enforcement Act, which is better known as the Virginia Lemon Law.

The term “lemon” refers to the defective car sold.  Under the Virginia Lemon Law, a car is a “lemon” when it has defects or issues that significantly and negatively affect its value, safety, or usability. 

In addition to the defects of the car, the dealer must fail three separate times to correct issues with the car. 

Lastly, a car can be a lemon if the defects render the vehicle inoperable for 30 days out of a year or more.

The Virginia Lemon Law is usually applied to dealerships and the purchase of new cars.  However, there are some instances where the law can be applied to other auto sales. 

If you have questions about the Virginia Lemon Law, contact the Auto Fraud Lawyer in Manassas VA at American Lawyers Group.

Federal Lending Law

In addition to Virginia creating consumer protection laws, the national government has legislation that addresses financing for things like auto purchases. 

The Truth In Lending Act (TILA) requires lenders to use very precise language when informing borrowers. 

For example, lenders must disclose the annual percentage rate (APR), the total amount of money borrowed, the total fees and interest of the loan, and more specifics of the loan made.  

Experienced Low-Cost Auto Fraud Lawyer in Manassas VA

Auto Fraud Lawyer in Manassas VA

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Dealerships involved in financing and lenders must provide written TILA disclosures before any loan contracts can be signed. 

If you have questions about car financing and TILA, call the Auto Fraud Lawyer in Manassas VA at American Lawyers Group.

Why You Need a Manassas Auto Fraud Lawyer?

Most people know very little about financing and even less about cars.  This makes auto dealerships the perfect place to defraud buyers. 

If you are planning to buy a car soon, make sure you protect yourself and take the steps to get all the information you need and make sure a lawyer looks over contracts that worry you. 

If you are getting a car, talk to the Auto Fraud Lawyer in Manassas VA at American Lawyers Group to help protect you from potential fraud.

Experienced Low-Cost Auto Fraud Lawyer in Manassas VA

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